Friday, 5 July 2013

The trend of the fashion cycle

t of the worst of a fashionista experience even worse appearance buddy of big size, more demeaning that wearing the dress in other parts-it is fear symbol yesterday looking for model of the fashion trend.

Sometimes, the fashion trends is considered BLAND, unpredictable disreputably. Fashion industry players are always in the place of "Hot" and looking for something "new".

What is the fashion trend?

Trend is the direction in which new development, especially the leaning, preference and growth line. Fashion trend is the latest development of the fashion industry.

What is fashion?
Your wardrobe can give the answer. If you don't want to look at well.well. This is similar to which can match your steps with the latest fashions are the trends. What is the relationship to fashion? Stick people could not "you" strictly to the rules - well. One of those who goes his own way and dress as they want to can be. When it comes to the fashion industry, it is a changing world. Although some of the trends are ridiculous and outdated, many other comebacks with innovative ideas.

Rhythm and the resurgence of the latest fashion trends
Now its new millennium, but more like the legs of trousers bound, jelly bracelets, and finally the jeans think trends will return. It's the latest fashion, the trends are simply nothing new. Almost everything was revived in the fashion trend. Ripped jeans can be found practically in any clothing store for sale.

Who decides what is "Hot" and "Not" in fashion trends

There is no existence of a certain group, explaining what's hot fashion or not. In fact of fashion designers and consumers buying - fashion out of your trial products and launching several comments out there and see what seized is.

"Us" to the consumer that is goods are basically hot through our spirit to decide what to buy and take.

The cycle of fashion trend

First part of the cycle, where the trend is pursued immediately after this great fashion hat, dress or shoes to begin with and to see the track, "Red carpet" or video clip. Then comes the stage of emulation where everyone wants a piece of the trend. Approach to the latest fashions directly from the track, not yet presented in the sector retailer have only bigwigs, celebrities and the fashion industry players.

During the second phase of the newly arrived will appear in newspapers, magazines, TV and Internet in the way. Finally, the trend in the market often profitable bit will be soaked.

In the second phase, new products there is little expensive designer Collections. It is only the third phase, where available at an affordable price for the majority of buyers for the mass market goods.

Most of that is all mass somewhere between the second and third phase buy it.

Cycle of two or three decades back, what could have had to track brand mass track that some back, but the producers in the market have put these days fashion at fast speed. Now a hot trend is often seen in low-priced or discount store in just a few days or months.

In and out of fashion

Cheap fashion clothing is a sword of double edge that allow buy fashion with real budgets, quickly in the same point of time the trend to abolish looks. However, if the fully saturated market with a same monotonous trend loses its appeal.

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